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The Learning Curve

Honesty hour: yesterday we got blackout blinds. Why is this important? Well, for one, I learned that I can in fact handle tools and do hands-on work all by myself. Secondly, I found out that I depend on the sun a little more than I thought I did before. Maybe I was exhausted because I stayed up far past my bedtime, but I wound up sleeping in 'til noon this morning.

I think I want this blog to be about learning... among other things. This is really just me thinking aloud here, which I suppose means I'm doing this right. Right? Maybe. Anyway, I'm going to try and write "Today I Learned..." in every entry, regardless of what that entry is actually about. To start things off on the right foot:

Today I Learned...

1) Blackout blinds can be the best - and worst - thing ever.

2) Driving while tired really is akin to driving drunk.

3) Pineapple in any stir fry has my immediate approval.

4) Mental health days are just as imporant as physical health days. Also, mental duress can and does produce physical fatigue.

5) Don't ever trust anything precariously placed on the edge of an open paint can. It can and will fall in, and your hand will come out even greener than your wall.

I've always believed that it's okay to not know. Sometimes, dwelling in the "not knowing" of something is remedial, sort of. Why wouldn't you, right? Trying to rush to answers, to conclusions, robs you of the journey of figuring things out on your own. There's a lot of gold to be found in mistakes.

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